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SCAM ALERT: Max Keiser's Latest Scam Called Bitcoin (Shitcoin)

Two years ago, Max Keiser created a "Destroy JP Morgan, Buy Silver" scam in which he conned his low-IQ audience into believing that could implode JP Morgan if they bought physical silver, since, according to Keiser, JP Morgan held a huge short position in silver.

Well, once I heard about this, I wrote an article warning people that Keiser was creating a complete scam to get suckers to buy silver and jack up the price so that certain individuals could sell (I won't name these individuals right now because I am currently in the process of gathering evidence to present to the SEC).

And we all know how things turned out. Millions of suckers bought silver at $35, at $40, at $45 and even some over $50.

Two years later and silver is just over $26.

What's worse, the price momentum is becoming even more bearish.

Well, Keiser is at it again. This time he is scamming his suckers with Bitcoin. Let's take a brief look at this scam. Keiser needs to be sent to prison. Only you can make it happen.  

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