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Yahoo Finance Teams Up With Zero Hedge Scam Artist and Liar Bob English/Jared Blikre

Listen to the con man in the video below (who previously went by the fake name Bob English) as he pitches ridiculous disinformation and conspiracies in order to promote gold and scare people out of the stock market.

This man was calling himself Bob English in the video which aired ten years ago (2012) when he was working for the disinformation scam blog, Zero Hedge. 

Many years later English would ditch this fake name and begin using his real name, Jared Blikre, once he landed a job at Yahoo Finance. 

If that sounds suspect to you, follow me as we go down the rabbit hole of media deception and fraud.  

Note how English utilizes the typical "rapid ramble" strategy in order to make the audience think he knows what he's talking about when he delves into his pro-gold, anti-stock market nut case conspiracies.

This kind of rhetoric satisfies the appetite of gold bugs and nut cases who have fallen for disinfo rhetoric from the likes of Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and the rest of the countless gold pumping disinformation charlatans.   

Incidentally, English would later land a job at RT where he would promote the scam blog Zero Hedge (run by Jewish scam artists) along with an army of scammers (all which are Jewish scammers) associated with Zero Hedge and it's gold pumping, currency trading scheme, such as Mike Maloney and many others (with rare exception all gold pumpers are Jewish). 

After failing at Zero Hedge and RT, English started using his real name, Jared Blikre upon being hired at Yahoo Finance (which is a completely Jewish-run similar to nearly all media outfits).   

So why did Blikre begin using the fake name Bob English more than twelve years ago? And why did he use this fake name for more than ten years before finally ditching the name?   

Could it be because he knew he was scamming people with disinformation and he wanted to hide his real identity in order to keep his background "clean" for future job prospects?  

Using that logic doesn't make much sense given that Blikre (yes, he's Jewish) continues to promote scams and clowns on Yahoo Finance. But them again, Blikre isn't so bright.

Or perhaps he thinks people aren't aware that stock trading (which he pitches on Yahoo Finance) is only promoted by scammers.  

The fact that Blikre lied about his name in itself presents a big problem for Yahoo Finance.

And once you add his association with Zero Hedge, RT along with many years of golding pumping and stock market bashing rhetoric, things begin to look really bad for the already disgraced Yahoo Finance.

See here for the only in-depth investigation (90 pages) that exposes Zero Hedge as a complete scam blog which promotes scammers, publishes disinformation and is run by Jews. 

Zero Hedge is a Fake News Blog Featuring Jewish Charlatans (90pp ebook)

Snake Oil Alert: Chris Martenson and Zero Hedge

Proof that Zero Hedge Cannot Be Trusted

After all, who would trust anything from this boiler room after learning that they hired a complete disinformation scam artist who lied about who he was? 

Blikre is not only employed by the boiler room known as Yahoo Finance, he's also in charge of Yahoo Finance's premium subscription plan which offers trash content from clowns and disgraced stock brokers like JC Parets (yes, he's also Jewish) who also promotes stock trading.   

See here, here, and here for more on JC Parets.  

Finally, note that the following fear-mongering nonsense from Blikre (which was from 2012) Zero Hedge and RT served to scare millions of people out of enjoying what would become the longest bull market in history. 

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