Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Did You Profit from Shorting Social Media Stocks? If Not, You Haven't Been Paying Attention.

Regardless of the topic, with every article I write I always try to provide valuable lessons towards becoming a more sophisticated investor. Sometimes these lessons are obvious, but other times they are not.

Even when I write about a topic like media deceit, there will be lessons about the investment process. These lessons may be secondary to the primary theme of the article, but I assume that each of you will read between the lines.

If you are truly tapping the full value of my publications, you are likely to be included in the group of individuals who have managed to get their hands on EVERYTHING I have published; all research, all newsletters, all books; everything.

These are the investors who are positioning themselves to eventually become great investors.

Most people want “quick hits” because they’re lazy and greedy. This is a loser mentality.

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