Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Ten Years Ago Jeff Berwick Claimed All Fiat Currencies Would Fail. What Happened?

Jeff Berwick was one of many smaller minions who piggy-backed off of more visible con artists who created cults of nut cases in order to make huge money selling gold and silver.

Check out the video below. 

Imagine you were naive enough to have believed Berwick's fear-mongering nonsense.

Imagine how much money you would have lost if you used your fiat (which Berwick claimed would be worthless in a few years) to buy gold.

Imagine how you'd feel if you missed out on the longest bull market in history because you listened to Berwick. 

And let's not forget that just about all of these charlatans are Jewish.  That raises an entirely different set of issues which addresses the big picture. No one has explained the big picture beter than Mike Stathis.  

Hopefully by now you realize that it pays to arm yourself with the right insights. 

If you fall prey to one or more of the countless con artists out there you could face dire consequences, not the least of which might be huge losses. 

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