Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

FOX Business Lackey Neil Cavuto Shills for Disinfo Con Man Robert Kiyosaki

Mike Stathis predicted the 2008 financial crisis with more accuracy than anyone in the world. And his two books which predicted the collapse were released in late-2006 and early-2007, enabling those who followed the analysis and advice provided in these books to make a fortune.  

See here and here for proof.  

Therefore, Mike Stathis is the person best positioned to understand to what extent we face another financial crisis. 

Yet, Stathis was banned by all media from day one. In contrast, the media has been featuring con artists, broken clock contrarian indicators and idiots as "experts."  

Instead of real experts, the criminal financial media promotes clowns and contrarian indicator like Peter Schiff, Jim Cramer, Josh Brown, Barry Ritholtz, Jim Rickards, Jim Rogers, Harry Dent, Nouriel Roubini, Marc Faber, and many others as "experts." 

Now the media is promoting career con man, Robert Kiyosaki as a Wall Street analyst who predicted the financial crisis. 

Career con man, Robert Kiyosaki makes money by dishing out disinformation, promoting ridiculous conspiracies to cater to the low-IQ, broke nut cases, and peddling bad investment and business advice. 

And he pays off the media in order to help him carry out his scams. 

Find a comfortable seat and get your popcorn ready, as Mike spends the next 90 minutes showing you how corrupt FOX Business is by allowing Neil Cavuto to promote scam artist Robert Kiyosaki as an analyst, while going along with his false claims, delusional statements, and fear mongering pitch.  

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