Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

CNBC's Josh Brown and Other CNBC Idiots Show You How to Lose Money

This little episode is just one of many that point to massive fraud committed by the media in promoting clowns as experts.

Below is an interview from a couple years ago by Josh "the clown" Brown for the fake news website Benzinga (there are two videos below which may begin to play autmatically, so you might want to pause them). 

I've mentioned Brown a few times in the past, but not nearly as much as I'd like due to time constraints (there's just too many idiots and snake oil salesmen out there for one man to expose).

In addition to steering sheep into a huge array of stocks that have since collapsed, Brown has also been trying to convince people that he can show them how to use the financial media for their own benefit (laughs).  

He even wrote a book addressing this very topic. Imagine that, a guy hailed by CNBC as an investment "expert" (despite his questionable past and absence of solid credentials) who writes a book which doesn't explain real investment skills (perhaps because he is lacking in that department) but a book that pitches the idea that you should tune into the media.

Note that the following horrendous calls by Brown are ONLY a random sample. We do not follow Brown nor do we watch CNBC so we believe he has a much larger number of terrible calls.  

This is the exact OPPOSITE of what I have been saying for many years. In my professional opinion, as a tenured financial professional having worked with individual investors, private equity and hedge funds, as well as venture capital firms, the financial media is the single biggest enemy of investors.

In fact, avoiding the media is the single best thing every investor can do to invest successfully. 

Given that Brown is a marketing guy who essentially makes a living from his media exposure, the premise in his book appears to be focused more on self-preservation than anything else...  

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