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Mark Cuban Envies Donald Trump


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Mark Cuban Envies Donald Trump


Peter Schiff Was Wrong: Updated 2016 Edition (Parts 1-3)

The Jewish media crime bosses prefer to simply ignore those who speak the truth and threaten to expose them as the best way to hide the scams from the public. In contrast, the Jewish media crime bos...

American Fools Creating Chinese Millionaires

See Also: Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 1) Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 2) Free Trade And The Jewish Mafia Ford As A Crystal Ball For America Ford: Playi...

Moron of the Month: Martin Armstrong

In the audio below, Mike tells it like it is in his typical animated, unrehearsed way (warning: if you do not like cursing, please do not listen to this audio). The full version of this article (incl...

Securities Manipulation by the Jewish Mafia: The Case of SJT, Bloomberg and Jew Carson Block

The Jewish media crime bosses prefer to simply ignore those who speak the truth and threaten to expose them as the best way to hide the scams from the public. In contrast, the Jewish media crime bos...

The Jewish Mafia Claims "We Are All One Race," While Claiming Jews are a Distinct Race

  Who do you think opened the borders in the Western world? It sure as hell wasn’t the Muslims. The group that opened the borders is also behind multiculturalism. This is the same tribe th......

Peter Schiff Shows You Why You Should Avoid the Media

The main stars of America's financial trash TV are broken clocks and contrarian indicators who deliver the same sales pitch day after day, week after week, year after year. That's what salesmen do aft...

Peter Schiff Teams Up With ANOTHER Agora Financial Charlatan!

Do you remember when Peter Schiff was telling millions of sheep that the US will encounter hyperinflation so they needed to exchange their dollars for "safe currencies" like the euro? We all sa...

EXPOSED: Freedomfest - A Collection of Con Men & Cult Leaders

I see sleazy con men. What do you see?

How Jim Cramer, CNBC and Other Jewish Con Men Screw the Sheep

Jim Cramer has been manipulating securities and misleading the sheep who watch CNBC for many years. Yet, no one calls him out on his securities manipulation or horrendous calls, so you shouldn't...

Another Charlatan from "Faux Hero Syndicate" Joins Porter Stansberry's Boiler Room

This article and video discuss the addition of yet another charlatan to the boiler room copyediting firm known as Agora Financial. -------------------------------------------------------------------...

Being Jewish Doesn't Mean the Jewish Mafia Won't Rip You Off

The Jewish Mafia seeks to steal as much money as it can through all sorts of methods, from direct scams on Wall Street to more subtle scams using the Jewish media. And while they practice a pathologic...

Is David Duke a Front Man for the Jewish Mafia? World's Top Analyst Reveals the Answer

If David Duke is such a “racist,” a “Jew hater,” and a "white supremacist" why is he featured in the Jewish-controlled media so much? Over the years, David Duke has been i...

World Leading Analyst Calls Trump a Con Man and Jewish Puppet

May 1, 2016 Update #2: After this article and video were published, we learned that Katie Johnson has filed a lawsuit in California alleging that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted an......

Mike Stathis Exposes Financial Copyediting and Money Show Scams

(see related audio and video below)       Copyediting scams like the one above featuring Jim Rickards (published by Porter Stansberry and Agora Financial) are the types of nonsens...

Mike Exposes Porter Stansberry's Latest Scam

Several years ago I exposed Porter Stansberry when he teamed up with fellow con man Alex Jones to create the fear-mongering nonsense video "The End of America." Porter was telling you to buy gol...

Clown Mark Faber Positioned as Expert by the Criminal Media

The very first thing you must do in order to begin your venture to become a good investor is to understand how the media deceives its audience using deception and lies.

Another "Brilliant" Call by "Legendary Investor" Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers in early 2013. Notice the fat Jewish weirdo, pinhead loser calling Rogers "one of the insiders of the world financial elite." Too funny!  

World's Top Investment Strategist Says Peter Schiff is Clueless

For those of you who are not yet familiar with who I am, my name is Mike Stathis. I am the world's top investment strategist and investment forecaster and I have the published track record to pro...

Warren Buffett Exposed and Destroyed by Leading Investment Expert

Warren Buffett is a piece of shit lying scum bag and crook.   View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here, here, here and here.     Membership Resources  ...

Mike Contacts Europacific Capital and Schools One of Schiff's Monkeys! An Epic Video

NOTE: there is a video associated with this post. Unfortunately, our host changed the types of media formats permitted and altered the system sometime between 2016 and 2018 without notifying us of the......

Bernie Sanders Jewish Psychopath and the Other Jewish Candidates

This audio was first published on February 11, 2016 in our MP3 Library.   In this audio, Mike emphasizes that his recent criticisms of Donald Trump should not be taken to imply that he supports......

Can You Tell the Difference Between Kiyosaki, Trudeau and Schiff?

Listen to this short audio and decide for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, they are basically the same.

Chris Martenson Exposed (Video)

Last year we released the results of an investigation of Chris Martenson. This 60-page tell-all analysis is nothing less than what one would expect from the world’s top investment forecaster a...

CNBC Jewish Clown Josh Brown Shows You How to Lose Money

If you think Peter Schiff is a moronic, motor-mouthed hypocrite, meet Josh Brown; a kid who has positioned himself as someone on your side. He is "reformed" after all; or is he?  In the video...

Donald Trump the Liar and Con Man

So you think Donald Trump is the “real deal” huh? Trump is no different than any other politician or wealthy business man. He is a complete scum bag, liar and con man. I have previous...

ENCYCLOPEDIA of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen & Faux Heroes

The following text and descriptive images comprise the prelude to the Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen & Faux Heroes.  The full report includes hundreds of pages of text, h...

  • Don't Shoot the Messenger: How Con Men Use Optmism to Take You