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Jewish Mafia Guaranteed Impunity if Trump is Reelected

Even Trump supporters were understandably outraged when President Trump pardoned convicted Jewish fraudster Charles Kushner, father of the sissy weasel Jared Kushner.

See Trump’s pardon of Charles Kushner renews focus on sordid tale of revenge, intimidation


Although already member to a crime family, Jared Kushner's marriage to Ivanka Trump boosted his access to dirty dealings on a global scale. 

Not long after Trump entered the White House, Kushner was already scheming for money-making opportunities. Kushner was even permitted to lead many foreign policy negotiations that resulted in shady and arguably illegal deals for him and his equally scammy wife, Ivanka.    

See Inside Jared Kushner’s Unusual White House Role

Former secretary of state, Rex Tillerson even stated that Kushner "repeatedly circumvented the State Department." 

These actions by Kushner clearly placed U.S. foreign policy and thus national security in jeapordy. 

Yet, nothing happened to Kushner.

It's likely that Tillerson was forced out of the Trump administration after Ivanka went and cried to dear daddy about Tillerson.  

What's remarkable is that the "Biden crime family" narrative remains as one of the dominant themes in all forms of media. 

Clearly, this narrative is being constantly pumped out to serve as a distraction from Trump's numerous illegal actions, as well as those which might be uncovered if Ivanka and Kushner were properly investigated. 

When compared to the dirty dealings carried out by Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner, everything alleged about Hunter Biden and the Biden family look like child's play.   

Note that I do not support Trump or Biden, and I have not voted for either. I do not cast votes in a fake democratic system whereby the results are essentially the same regardless which candidate wins. Those who participate in such a system through voting are actually empowering this corrupt system.  

See here, here, here, and here.

Let's not forget that Trump also issued a full pardon to Jewish scam artist, Steve Bannon in his final hours as president. 

Bannon is one of the many Jews leading the alt-right movement.

Incidentally, Jewish individuals are also behind the so-called "White nationalist" movement, along with "neo-Nazi" and "white hate groups" like the KKK.   

As you might recall, Bannon served as Trump's chief strategist, but was forced out early on. 

Not long after Bannon left the White House, he was back on his feet leveraging his perceived "nationalism" during a time when Trump was having problems getting approval to erect a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.

You probably remember the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe campaign because it was promoted by our "highly trusted and honest Jewish-controlled media establishment."

As part of the campaign, wounded U.S. Air Force veteran of the Iraq War and triple amputee, Brian Kolfage made sure the public could see his prosthetic limbs during marketing campaigns. 

Kolfage's "patriotic" message combined with his wounded vet image lured "patriots" into sending money to fund the border wall project.

The heist took in over $25 million from Trump supporters. 

Some will recall I exposed the "Build the Wall" GoFundMe campaign as a complete scam from day one. 

By August 2020, Bannon was indicted on wire fraud and money laundering conspiracy charges related to his involvement in the “We Build the Wall” campaign. 

On August 20, 2020 Bannon was taken into custody while on board the yacht of Chinese scam artist Guo Wengui, who was himself on the run from Chinese authorities.

Federal prosecutors alledged that Bannon, Kolfage, and other conspirators used hundreds of thousands of dollars from the campaign for their own personal use, despite promising to not use a single dollar for anything except building the wall.

Just before Trump left his term in the White House, he issued Bannon a full pardon.

The amazing thing about the pardon is that Bannon had not even faced a trial for the charges.

Trump made sure Bannon would never have to be judged in a court of law for (alledgedly) defrauding millions of people who donated to the "Build the Wall" campaign. 

Apparently, Trump realized Bannon was guilty. 

Today, we have some early results of Trump's pardons and commuted sentences.   

Already, one of the many Jewish crooks Trump pardoned has been arrested for running another scam.

It should be apparent that the Jewish mafia is gunning for another Trump presidency because they are confident of his loyalty to them. 

Do you think it is of any coincident that all of Trump's kids have married into the Jewish mob? 

On second thought, it won't matter who wins the next election, as the Jewish mafia has enjoyed a very long history of getting away with countless acts of massive fraud.  

Keep in mind that Biden's kids are also married to Jews.   

Looking back at the Obama administration, you might recall that no one from Wall Street was so much as even investigated for fraud that was ultimately responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis. 

As I discussed many years ago, the top donors to Obama's presidential campaign were Wall Street investment banks, Wall Street law firms, and mega corporations. 

Is there any shadow of a doubt that Trump would have pardoned his buddy Jeffrey Epstein just before leaving the White House if he were alive at the time? 

See The End of the Road for Kyle Bass' Hedge Fund


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